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sarahs-rugrats > info

Show History: How the show started, background information and facts.

Character Bios: Find out whos who in Rugrats. From parents to babies and everything in between. Includes minor reacurring characters and info on the original cast ten years on.

Family Trees: Who is related to who?

The Voices: Find out who provides the voices for each of the characters.

Sound Bytes: Hear the Rugrats talk. Includes sound bytes from All Grown Up, Preschool Daze and Tales from the Crib.

Episode Guide: All the episodes of Rugrats, All Grown Up, Preschool Daze and Tales from the Crib, numbered, sorted and described.

The Rugrats Movie: How did Baby Dil come into the series? Find out about the Rugrats first big screen adventure, the soundtrack, how it was made and more.

Rugrats in Paris: Take a trip to Paris with the Rugrats and meet Kira and Kimi, find out about the soundtrack and more.

Rugrats Go Wild: What happens when the Rugrats and Wild Thornberrys meet? Get all the gossip on this big screen crossover and third Rugrats movie.

All Grown up: Fast forward 10 years and the babies are All Grown Up! Meet their new school friends and find out what they've been up to now they're ten years older.

Preschool Daze: Angelica and Susie are in preschool in their very own mini-series. Meet the new characters, find out about the episodes and more.

Tales from the Crib: Get the lowdown on the straight to DVD and Video episodes of Rugrats, find out what they're about and more.

Rugrats guide to food: What do the Rugrats think about eating and what are their favourite foods? Find out!

Rugrats guide to Parents: We all know the Rugrats parents but what do the kids think of the adults?

Tommy's guide to baby brothers: Tommy gives you his thoughts on having a baby brother